Sustainable Urbanization

Around three and a half billion people live in cities today and approximately five billion people are projected to live in cities by 2030. Though world's cities occupy just three percent of the Earth's land but they account for sixty to eighty percent of energy consumption. The urbanization of global citizens - the movement of residents from rural to urban regions - is exerting pressure everyday on potable water supplies, sewage, the living environment, and public health while also reshaping economies of our cities as they grapple to adapt.
In 2015, United Nations member states responded and adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which includes seventeen connected goals aiming at a sustainable future for all. These goals concern sectors such as health, poverty, education, environment, and peace. The eleventh sustainable development goal, is known as “Sustainable Cities and Communities” and focuses on sustainable urbanization by envisioning cities and human settlements that are inclusive, safe, and resilient.
By 2050, almost three-quarter of the world population is predicted to live in urban settlements and the global demand for energy is likely to increase even more with this sudden inflow of people to urban areas. If cities do not prepare, the confluence of these two phenomenon will be detrimental to both the environment and the social conditions.
This project, housed within the Sustainable Urbanization Lab (SUL), tackles and explores what is driving urban growth trends through the use of data and media. Using natural language processing and studying Global sentiments we identify and map existing and emerging patterns as cities grow. We seek to understand cities and their changing resource demands using various lenses including political, environmental, and mobility in an effort to see how we can support and guide sustainable urbanization.
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Air pollution lowers Chinese urbanites’ expressed happiness on social media
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Based on panel models, we found clear evidence that such effect exists and varies between pollutants, visitors and residents, and different activity types. Typically, SO2 has the largest impact, followed by PM2.5, NO2, and PM10; local citizens' activities are more susceptible than visitors; leisure-related activity has a sensitivity at least twofold higher than work-related activities. Additionally, we tested hypotheses about the heterogeneous effect. We confirmed the role of Income and air quality, showing that people who live in richer and more polluted cities are more likely to experience the effects of air pollution. Specifically, people who live in a more polluted city with 100 unit increments in AvgAQI show on average the same sensitivity as those who live in a less polluted city and earn about 20.3 thousand yuan more in average Income.
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