Nicolas Maggio
President & CEO at Foro de Vivienda Sustentabilidad y EnergĂa (FOVISEE) in Argentina and Weatherizers Without Borders in the United States, both community oriented non-profits which aim to improve lives of lower-income populations in Latin America by working on housing rights. Working on low income housing and energy since 2002, founded FOVISEE in 2010 and started WWB in 2014. Created, developed and implemented projects such as: renewable energies for lower income housing, instruction manuals for sustainable use of the home, weatherization/sustainable home improvement programs in around 10 cities in Latin America, weatherization training centers in three cities, weatherization training programs and signed contracts with five national governments.
Holds a degree in sociology from Buenos Aires University.
At MIT, aims to learn from professors and researchers, exchange and share experiences and challenges with professors and colleagues, process, read and write to incorporate and produce new knowledge, and write papers aiming at a book about lower income housing and home improvement in Latin America.